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New York oil painting



Christel is a French artist who lives and works in Paris.

She is using exclusively oil paint as the medium allows her to “play” and “replay” her work  until she achieves her desired result. Her main painting subjects are marine subjects and New York City. Her work focuses on contrasts in temperatures, materials and lights.

She studied for several years at the New York Academy of Art in NYC with wonderful artists such as Christopher Pugliese and Peter Cox .

Her work can be found in private collections in France and the USA.


The first time I realized painting was not just personal artist's interpretation was in 2004.

I had seen a painting of the sea that had had a strong effect on me when I saw it.

But it wasn’t until I visited the actual sea again shortly afterwards that I experienced for the first time what Romain Rolland called a “sentiment océanique”, a heightened state of consciousness. I was suddenly seeing the sea – which I had seen so many times before – differently, through new eyes, through a new consciousness forever altered by the painting I had seen.

It was then that I realized that a painting – the contemplation of a painting – can have that power; it can change the way we experience the world around us.


When you paint, landscapes, faces, and objects are transformed, and you enter another state of consciousness regarding the subject, as you seek to inspire a heightened consciousness for the viewer as well.


19-22, Feb 2025: Salon des artistes Français- Art capital, Grand Palais, Paris, Details

Nov 28th -  Dec 1st, Salon des Arts 2024, Maison Centrale Supélec, 8 rue Jean Goujon - 75008 Paris

25-31, July 2024: Solo Exhibition at "Les Halles", Saint Briac

23-29, May 2024: Collective Exhibition ArplastiX116 rue de grenelle, Paris

14-18, Feb 2024: Salon des artistes Français - Art capital, Grand Palais éphémère, Paris

Oct 7th- Nov 12th, 2023 : Salon des Peintres de l’armée, Manège royal de Saint Germain-en –Laye

Since May 2023: Galerie Les artistes et la mer, 9 rue de la Blatrerie, Saint-Malo

15-19, Feb 2023: Salon des artistes Français- Art capital, Grand Palais éphémère, Paris, Jury prize: MENTION

December 2022 - March 2024: Galerie Pascal Fremont, 37-39 rue Président Wilson, Le Havre...Details

13-20, July 2022: La potinière, Saint Lunaire

7-13, April 2022: Mairie du 7e, 116 rue de grenelle, Paris

July 31 - August 12, 2021: Solo Exhibition at the Maison du Gouverneur, 24 rue du petit Fort, Dinan ... Details

15-18, October 2020: Salon d’Automne 2020, the 117th season

9-15, July 2020,  Solo Exhibition at "Les Halles", Saint Briac...Details

15-31 July 2019, Solo Exhibition at the Chapelle Saint Buc, Le Minihic Sur Rance...Details

May 2018, STartUP Exhibition & Silent Auction at the Art Student League, New York

January 2018, Finalist at the International Art Renewal Center  (ARC) Salon Competition

May 2017, Exhibition “creative Mischief”, National Academy Museum & School, New York

September 2017, Exhibition centred  around the theme of New York City, JCC, New York

May 2016, Art to the Avenue, Greenwich, Connecticut


Lucien Delahaye, Ouest France, 2024: "Christel Soubeyre présente 42 toiles majeures...l’artiste, qui a vécu treize ans aux États-Unis et a été formée à la New York Academy, propose une autre dimension, en mouvement permanent." Read more

Jacques Pons, Le Pays Malouin, 2022: "regarder ses toiles, c'est s'immerger dans la chose vue et y percevoir une profondeur, une densité...Christel Soubeyre y ajoute une cohérence qui rend lisible même un enchevêtrement de bateaux, de fouillis de lignes, de lumières et d'ombres..." Read more

Laurence de Valmy, French Quarter Magazine, 2022: "a reconversion inspired by the sea "...Read more

Lucien Delahaye, Ouest France 2020: "la peintre insuffle aux paysages, marins ou urbains, une vivacité et une chaleur bien particulières. L’artiste est ingénieure de formation et cela se voit, aussi bien dans le sens mécanique de précision, que parmi des bateaux solidement charpentés." Read more

Jean-Yves Langlais, Ouest France, 2019: "la peinture de Christel Soubeyre, même par mauvais temps, sous un ciel gris ou blanc de neige, est chaude. Elle parvient, par la couleur et le travail, à donner à l’épave d’un bateau l’appétit d’un fruit." Read more

© 2022 by Christel Soubeyre

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